Children & Teenagers
Promote your child properly
Speech therapy for children
Children of any age can develop a language disorder, speech disorder, and / or voice disorder as they develop. The reasons for this are different. For children with speech disorders, speech disorders or voice disorders, however, it is often sufficient if the speech therapy therapy gives an impetus to overcome the disorder.
Speech therapy is part of the basic care of the statutory health insurance companies and is also paid for by them as a mandatory service. Up to the age of 18, the costs are therefore covered 100% for children and adolescents, so that they are exempt from additional payments of any kind.
Of course, our therapy is also aimed at small patients who are impaired in their language skills due to neurological diseases or impairment of the sensory and language production organs. The development of language and language comprehension is one of the most complex developments that the developing brain and sense organs have to undergo.
During this development, functional problems can arise that can impair speech perception and production, even if there are no underlying neurological diseases. We offer you a monthly consultation on your child's language development. On request, we can also carry out a small language development test and prepare a game support consultation with a material folder for you.
The children should learn with joy and gain positive experiences in their area of competence, which shape the weaknesses towards physiology or an age-appropriate development. The aim of our therapies with children is to strengthen specific skills, reduce deficits and promote performance in the relevant therapeutic field. Parent counseling is also an essential part of the therapy.
We are happy to help you by phone or email at any time and look forward to a personal registration on site in one of the speech therapy practices in Lichtenberg, Pankow or Bernau near Berlin.
Treatment for small & school children

For linguistic impairments in children, either congenital (e.g. syndromes) or acquired (e.g. hearing impairment) causes can exist, so that the organization and processing of linguistic information can be disturbed. Language acquisition in children is also affected by various factors.
- Speech disorders
- Speech disorder (articulation disorders)
- Voice disorder
- Swallowing disorder
- Bilingualism (multilingualism)
- vocabulary
- stutter
- rumble
- Oral motor skills
- Tongue muscles
- Swallowing (as part of orthodontic treatment)
- when using a cochlear implant
- Hearing impairment
- perception
- processing
- Retention
- Written language acquisition (dysgrammatism)
- Reading / writing difficulties
- Reading / spelling disorder (dyslexia)
- social-emotional communication
- Concentration and learning
Language and speech problems in adolescents
Language problems at school age, for example, can lead to grammatical difficulties, but a poor vocabulary (semantics) can also be noticeable. In grammar, articles, singular and plural, adapting verbs in a sentence or accusative and dative can be practiced among many other topics.
Vocabulary therapy is particularly about expanding and specifying vocabulary in an everyday-oriented manner. It is also particularly important at this age to develop a good feeling for the language. In so-called phonological awareness therapy, your child can learn, for example, how to clap syllables, how to rhyme or which sounds are at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.
This area is very closely related to your child's auditory perception and processing. This does not mean that your child cannot hear well, but that the language that your child hears is optimally processed in the brain.
In this area, for example, there may be difficulties in the memory span or the attention of what is heard and also in the analysis of sounds in a word that is heard. These skills are an important foundation for learning to read and write without problems.
Thus, it is not uncommon for children who have difficulties in this area to develop a reading and writing weakness. This is to be distinguished from developmental dyslexia, in which there is a pure weakness of the sense of reading comprehension.
This means that the adolescents or adults concerned have difficulty processing and understanding what they have read, but not having problems with spelling. On the other hand, it can also lead to a developmental dysgraphy in which there is a pure writing weakness but no reading weakness.
Speech problems in school age can take the form of stuttering and rumbling, dyspraxia and audiogenic speech difficulties. Phonological difficulties, the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, should no longer occur at this age.
Stuttering usually develops up to early teenage years and is considered treatable. However, this means that the symptoms can be alleviated and compensated, but not "cured". Stuttering creates blockages, stretches or repetitions of words, which, in different degrees of severity, can range from slight, short interruptions to the inability to continue speaking.
External and internal side effects such as high stress and insecurity, but also movements in the face or with the body, are just as individual. The rumbling is characterized by a very high speaking speed and unclear pronunciation, which reduces intelligibility.

Another form of speech problems is developmental dyspraxia, which manifests itself in very incomprehensible speech because the planning of speech movements by the brain is not correct. This means that the muscle groups for precise speech are not correctly controlled by the brain. Speech comprehension is not impaired.
For example, the affected child may know that it would like to speak a "t", but cannot specifically move the tongue into the correct position, although the muscular prerequisites for this are available and the movement could thus be carried out.
Developmental dyspraxia should actually be diagnosed as early as infancy. However, the diagnosis and therapy of this is very difficult, so that many children only attract attention when the therapy fails.
We are happy to help you by phone or email at any time and look forward to a personal registration on site in one of the speech therapy practices in Lichtenberg, Pankow or Bernau near Berlin.
Difficulty swallowing in adolescents
Swallowing disorders are functional or organic disorders of the orofacial muscles (mouth muscles) and all structures involved in the swallowing process. A distinction is made between the disturbance of food intake (dysphagia) and the isolated form of the disturbance of the orofacial muscles (myofunctional disorders), which is often associated with misaligned teeth and jaws.
Precise observations of food intake with swallowing problems can help to identify unfavorable swallowing processes quickly and to influence them, e.g. by improving posture.
Orthodontic treatment often reveals the myofunctional disorder - an imbalance in the muscles in the mouth and tongue - which can cause your child to lisp, breathe through the mouth and / or press the tongue against the teeth when swallowing.
The latter can have the effect that the position of the teeth is negatively influenced and the incisors tend to move forward as they grow (open bite). In this case, the tongue, lip and carriage muscles can be strengthened so that learning the correct pronunciation and a correct swallowing pattern can take place.
Complex disorders

Some speech, speech, voice and swallowing disorders can occur regardless of age. These include, for example, speech therapy disorders in connection with a comprehensive disorder such as a profound developmental disorder or a physical and / or mental disability. But also speech therapy for cleft lip and palate, for example, mutism or hearing loss / deafness are complex areas of treatment in which we are happy to assist you as specialists.
In general, it can be said that speech therapy in the case of extensive disorders is a process that is particularly responsive to individual resources and needs.
Speech, speech, voice and swallowing disorders can occur in connection with a comprehensive disorder such as a profound developmental disorder or a physical and / or mental disability at all ages.
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