Processes · Regulations · Initial talks
Speech therapy is a remedy to be prescribed by a doctor. The prescription for voice, speech, language or swallowing disorders can be made by statutory health insurance physicians - specialists such as neurologists, ENT doctors, phoniatrists, paediatricians, internists, and many more. or general practitioners. After the initial diagnosis, he can issue a speech therapy prescription if the symptoms are present. The speech therapy treatment can then begin in the practice or, if necessary, as a home visit.
After the initial interview, in which you have the opportunity to describe the reasons why you came to us, the language assessment, the speech therapy diagnosis takes place. This means that standardized, speech therapy examinations are carried out in order to obtain a precise overview of the current status, e.g. in relation to the voice, language, speaking or swallowing function of the person introducing himself and to form the basis for targeted and efficient treatment.
Depending on the logopedic disorder and the doctor's judgment, 1-2 treatment units per week usually take place in the speech therapy practice or in the form of a home visit. The duration of a therapy unit can be from 30 min. over 45 min. up to 60 min. be prescribed on the prescription.
The basis for the prescription of remedies, possible therapy frequencies, therapy duration and prescribed amounts is specifically provided by the catalog of remedies individually for the respective disorders. The doctor can then prescribe remedies according to the disorder and depending on requirements within this set guideline.
A medical check-up is required upon completion of a treatment sequence of the speech therapy prescription. For this purpose, the doctor receives a detailed report from the treating speech therapist. This shows the results of the speech therapy diagnosis and the course of treatment, as well as other possible approaches.
We are happy to help you by phone or email at any time and look forward to a personal registration on site in one of the speech therapy practices in Lichtenberg, Pankow or Bernau near Berlin.
Treatments & therapies

More about Logolo®

Advanced training
At Logolo you can look forward to a strong network for basic, advanced and advanced training in the field of speech therapy. In addition to advanced and advanced training, we also offer advanced training and education for physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
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Our team
Experienced speech therapists are available for you in our speech therapy practices. Speech therapists, patholinguists, special education teachers. A high level of professionalism is a matter of course for us.
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Our locations
For many years we have been offering individual and group therapy for children, adolescents and adults in our friendly therapy rooms. Our team of state-approved speech therapists also ensures the quality of the therapies through regular training.
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